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Arepas: The Ace Under The Sleeve for the FIBER-RICH Diet

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Are you looking for a tasty and healthy way to add more fiber to your diet? If so, have you ever considered incorporating #arepas into your meals? These traditional South American treats can be a delicious and nutritious way to increase your fiber intake. Here are three ways to add fiber to your diet by eating arepas...

Arepas are a traditional food from Colombia and Venezuela made with ground maize dough. Here are three ways to add fiber to your diet by eating arepas:

Choose whole grain maize flour, such as Harina PAN, (or get our frozen-fresh heat & serve vacuum sealed arepas here). Whole grain maize flour contains the bran and germ of the grain, which are high in fiber. This can help you add more fiber to your diet and keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Add fiber-rich toppings: Top your arepas with fiber-rich ingredients like black beans, avocado, tomato, lettuce, or other vegetables.

Pro tip: You can also add a spoonful of chia seeds or flaxseeds to the dough, which are also high in fiber.

We really like the Pabellón arepas that are stuffed to the brim with pulled beef, black beans and cheese, or the Domino arepa, which is filled with black beans and cheese. You can really add whatever filling you enjoy :)

Use a filling that is high in fiber: You can also add fiber to your diet by using a filling that is high in fiber. For example, you can make a vegetarian arepa with a filling of grilled vegetables, legumes, or just fresh avocado with onions and tomatoes. This will add fiber and other important nutrients to your diet.

Incorporating arepas into your diet can be a delicious and nutritious way to add more fiber to your meals. By choosing whole grain maize flour, adding fiber-rich toppings, and using a filling that is high in fiber, you can easily increase your fiber intake and improve your overall health. Plus, with so many different filling and topping options, arepas can be a versatile and enjoyable addition to your diet. So, don't hesitate to give them a try and see how they can benefit your health and wellbeing!

Arepas near me


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